Track Protocol For Beginners

Ryle Men’s Track & Field 2019
Team 27 Protocol

Tracks open one hour before the meet and typically close 15-30 min before the first event. All field (including hurdlers) and 4x800 participants need to check-in with coaches 1 hour before the beginning of the the meet. Everyone else needs to be there 1 hour before his first event or to be safe, at the beginning of the meet. Dress with layers and always arrive in long sleeves and pants.

Weekday meets start 4:30-5:30, while weekend meets start 9 AM-1PM. Some may start as late as 5PM on the weekend.

Athletes need to stretch and cool down before they leave to go home. Sprinters should complete agilities (dynamic stretches) and static stretches to cool down. Mid/Dist runners should jog 1-3 mile cool down, dynamic stretch, and a long static stretch. Always dress for the cool down (layer and warm clothing). Check-in with coaches prior to departure. Never leave without informing a coach.

Track Bag
Always pack your bag the night before and verify that your uniform and running shoes are in the bag. Other items to include:
Extra layers (besides the ones you walk into the track with)
Extra socks
Reading material or homework (Grades are very important)
Money for snacks
Plastic bag for storing of electronics in case of rain
Rain gear

Competition Day
Arrive on time, find a coach, get your competitor number
Find your team area, be safe and smart with your belongings, stay warm and hydrated, and cheer for your teammates
Listen to the announcements for your event(s): first call, second call, third call
Go to the check-in clerk during the second call
Do not walk in spikes, always carry the competition shoes in your hands until you reach the turf/field/track area
Use a track bag to carry your supplies
KEEP YOUR SWEATSUIT ON UNTIL MINUTES BEFORE YOU RACE OR JUMP. Do not report to the check-in clerk only in uniform. Always bring your track bag and have someone on your team keep an eye on your gear.
Finish your competition and make sure the finish line clerk gets your number
Find your teammates
Retrieve your track bag and gear
Conference with a coach and take care of yourself for your next race

     Order of Events (17)  
4X800 W/M
100m Hurdles W
110m Hurdles M
100m W
100m M
4x200 W/M
1600m W/M
4x100 W/M
400m W/M
300 Hurdles W/M
800m W/M
200m W/M
3200m W/M
4x400 W/M

Field Events start at same time as first running event
Long Jump/Triple Jump M/W
High Jump W/M
Shot Put/Discus M/W

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