Monday, April 10, 2017

Pre-Break Reflections

Every available and willing athlete competed on Tuesday at the Conner JV meet on 3/21 and at the Copper Tri-Meet (HS only) on 4/4. Athletes need to compete during these open meets. We only get about 4 of these open meets per season and this ensures that every boy on the team gets at least 4 meets. The coaching staff uses the open event marks (time, distance, or height) to determine the line-up for varsity, jv, and MS meets. Track is special in that we can carry and want to welcome as many participants as poissble, but it also presents the challenge of getting everyone into meets for competition.

Our team has three official groups:varsity, jv, and MS. But we also enter a varsity B or JV B/C, and a freshman team, when possible. While the staff will make every effort to get every boy into at least three (3) meets, athletes must make themselves available for those meets or risk competing in less than (7) meets per season. Combined with the three (3) indoor meets our boys typically compete in ten (10) meets per season. This is a solid number of meets which serve to give feedback and help shape the training schedule. Varsity boys compete in 12-15 meets, jv starters in 12-15, MS 12-15 total. Weather conditions affect these numbers but we try our best.

The coaching staff will encourage and recommend diversification of events to help the athlete find his niche. We ask for patience, an open mind, and your best effort. Boys might start as sprinters and we might add jumping. Some might be mid-distance and move to distance. One never knows where one will excel until we try. Our state discus thrower one year started as a distance runner. And our pole vault region champion started as a sprinter.

Our goal is to help each athlete improve. These meets play a huge part in providing feedback to the athlete and the coaching staff.

I've handed out spring break workouts for each athlete. Please encourage your son to workout. If he takes one week off, that will set him back two weeks. In two weeks we'll be competing in the NKAC Big School Championships (Conference), which we've defended successfully five years, consecutively. Others schools want to win this title also, but it will go to the school with the most dedication. I hope that is us.

We host two important meets when we return from break. We'll need everyone's assistance. MS parents and athletes will work the first meet (4/20 Ryle Relays), while the varsity athletes and parents will work the second meet (Ryle JV Invite 4/21). If you are a MS parent plan on being at the Ryle Relays to help.

Ryle Sports Fest
Every team on campus is asked to sell ten tickets to represent the team at the Ryle Sports Fest on April 25, 2017. This important event will be held at the Florence Babptist Church (on Mt. Zion Rd) and will feature Chris Mack, Xavier's Basketball Coach. Who would like to buy two tickets to attend this great event? Each ticket costs $30.00 and helps our athletic program and Ryle Men's Track and Field in particular. See Coach Echeverria for more information. We are also looking for donations to put together a silent auction basket. Deadline for the basket item is April 21st. We'll get half the funds from the basket.

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